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"Through the tapping of my fingers, I have found my voice."


Fall Deeper and Silence Those Thoughts

This morning, as I was getting gloriously "sucked" into that place of worship where nothing else matters, I felt the Lord speaking to my heart:

"This is the place I have created you for. The invitation for peace and total release from stress, is always available. There is only one reason why you have days when you can't seem to shake the relentless thoughts—it's because you haven't gone far enough into love. Fall deeper, past the shackles of this world that bind you to the cares and concerns that plague you, into My arms. Become so focused on Me, so filled with My love that all fears, insecurities, questions, and frustrations, cannot be found. My love is powerful enough to drown them all, but you must let Me. Only you can choose how much you will release to Me. Only you can decide how far into My presence you will go. I will never block the way. Trust Me. Come closer."



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