"The wilderness that stripped me bare, became my beautiful victory."

I've always found the "about me" section intimidating. Most of us want to present our best selves to our audience, as if our list of accomplishments, edited photos, and highlights define us. I don't believe that's true. We are much deeper than the fragmented bits we offer online.
I believe it's important to share the secrets we've dug through the dung for. To allow people into our journey. To be real. To pull up our sleeves and tell the stories of our scars. To live free from the poison of judging people. To extend grace and mercy. To laugh. To work. To rest. To not only know and love ourselves, but to encounter the One who declares that our ugly, messy tears of surrender have made us beautiful. (see Song of Solomon 8:5)
There are lots of things you may want to know, like the fact that in 1999, my husband and I were ordained and entered into full-time ministry. That we were missionaries in Puerto Rico for nine years with our three amazing daughters, but now live in Texas. That I've been a ballet dancer my entire life.
But the stories of copious joy and unexpected sorrow in the areas of ministry, children, marriage, and most importantly in my relationship with the Lord, are what give substance to the words I write.
My desire is to encourage you. To stir your desire for the Lord and lead you straight to Him so that you can encounter the One who loved you before the beginning of time and will never stop. I want everyone to know that knowing God intimately changes everything!
Here are some more fun facts. I've taken many personality tests and they all say the same: I don't fit into one category. I'm always two personality types, equally. And I'm okay with that! I'm also 50/50 right and left-brained—creative and analytical. I write both gooey, poetic devotionals and fictional suspense.
If you'd like to join me on my journey, you can hang out with me on Facebook, Instagram, The Breathing God Podcast, or through my writing with Jesus. (see the tabs above).
Thanks for stopping by, Gretchen